Clinic Services
Injury, Treatment, Rehab, Health and Fitness
The Premier Body Method of physical rehabilitative training has been used in doctor’s offices and physical rehabilitation clinics for years with tremendous results. Treating physical ailments ranging from spinal pathology, neck and back pain, sciatica, nerve pain, pain in the arms and legs, hip pain, knee injuries, and shoulder pain, the Premier Body Method helps allow the body to heal naturally and improves physical function and ability.
For injured populations, the vast amount of physical pain people suffer from is biomechanical in nature. This means that the pain you suffer from has a lot to do with how you take care of yourself physically. This can be everything from how you move, your posture, how you exercise (or don’t exercise), to participation in recreational activities and even normal daily life tasks. What sets us apart from other traditional sports medicine and physical rehabilitation facilities is we take our patients and clients through a step-by-step learning process that will both educate and deliver the physical training skills to improve one’s physical ability and help one overcome physical ailment. If you suffer from pain and want to get back to the physical life your love and deserve, this is the place for you!
The Premier Body Method’s flagship location is a fully functioning sports medicine facility and fitness training gym. Home to several caring doctors, health care professionals, personal fitness coaches, and friendly staff, the facility houses state of the art equipment, combining the very best of injury care and physical performance into one.

Services offered Include:
Whether you are an elite level athlete unable to perform at your best due to an injury, or the average person suffering from pain, the doctors at Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic will fully evaluate, diagnose, and explain your condition to you. We will perform a full background medical history, orthopedic, physical, and biomechanical examinations as necessary. We will also order any specialized testing such as x-rays and MRIs if warranted. We will figure out what is going on and then how to fix it.
The first step in fixing any problem is to fully understand what that problem is. Getting to the root cause of a condition is the key to formulating a treatment plan for both relief and correction. How many times have you gone to the doctor and left still not fully understanding what is going on with you? At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we will not only give you an actually diagnosis, we will teach and explain that diagnosis to you, so you leave with a true understanding of what is going on, and the best options available to help. By accurately diagnosing your condition we will formulate a plan of care to allow you to best achieve your goals.
Sports Medicine is defined as a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical body injuries. At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we specialize in Sports Medicine. Our lead clinician and clinic director, Dr. Richardson, DC, CCSP, DACBSP, CSCS, is diplomat in sports medicine as well as a strength and conditioning specialist. He was a traveling team doctor for several National Olympic teams, and now brings that expertise to you.
This aspect of Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, focuses on providing relief. Relief from the pain and physical ailment you have been suffering from. We use only the most current and scientifically proven treatment methods and procedures to help get you out of pain and on the road to recovery. Our treatment options include:
- Spinal Decompression
- Physical Rehabilitation
- Soft Tissue Treatment
- Chiropractic Care
- Joint Mobilizations and Adjustment
- E-Stim
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Light Therapy
- Nutritional Counseling
- Postural Corrective Training
- Functional and Biomechanical Training
- Kinesio and Athletic Taping Procedures
- And more….
Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic offers full rehabilitation and physiotherapy programs designed to progress you from the very beginning of injury care and basic rehab, all the way to a high level of function. Depending on your specific goals, we will tailor your program to progress you to various end stages, ranging from a basic level of health and fitness so you can live a happy, healthy, pain-free life, all the way to an elite level of sports performance. With this full rehabilitation and physiotherapy program you will receive all of the biomechanical, movement education, strength/conditioning training, and performance training you need. You will also receive any and all passive care treatment necessary to help achieve your goals, including joint mobilization, soft tissue care, modality care, functional taping, nutrition, and more. In addition to all of this you will also gain invaluable knowledge in terms of future injury prevention. This program truly is the one-stop shop for all of your health and fitness needs and goals.
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we offer the very best in spinal care. If you suffer from back pain, sciatica, nerve pain, disc herniation or bulging, pain down the arms or legs, this treatment option might just be for you. Spinal Decompression is considered to be the number one option to avoid surgery due to a spinal condition. The medical research backing this treatment option is both extensive and impressive. Some studies suggest up to 85-90% success rates with this completely non-invasive treatment. If you suffer from any of the above symptoms or have been told you may need spinal surgery, you owe it to yourself to explore Spinal Decompression as a treatment option. It may be the best decision you can make.
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we will not only prescribe any and all imaging studies that may be necessary to diagnose and then treat your injury, but we will also take the time to review all the imaging and information with you. Step number one in fixing any problem is to fully understand what that problem is. Many neuromusculoskeletal and physical injuries are structural and anatomically based. Being able to see the actual anatomy and what has gone wrong is the true value of imaging studies. It helps not only to identify the true root cause of the injury, but also aids in determining the severity and thus long-term prognosis for that injury.
This aspect of Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic addresses any and all Chiropractic care components you need to help you heal from injury, reduce pain, and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Services in this program include:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Joint mobilization
- Soft tissue care
- and Passive modalities, such as electrical stimulation, light therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and kinesio/athletic taping.
This aspect of Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic addresses the soft tissue needs of the recovery process to help you heal, recover, and get back to training faster. Services include:
- Soft tissue care
- Active Release Treatment
- Myofascial Release Treatment
- Stretching
- Massage
- Passive modalities, such as electrical stimulation, light therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and hot / cold therapy.
One of the latest advancements in pain management at Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic is the addition of Cold Laser Therapy to our clinic. Research is showing tremendous results in the reduction of pain and increased healing ability with cold laser and light therapies. These treatment options have been shown to upregulate cellular activity in areas of injury, promoting healing and helping with the inflammatory process to get you out of pain faster.
Most of us just want to live a happy, healthy, pain-free and active lifestyle. Many of us have tried various fitness programs with minimal results. Many of us have also been hurt or have pain with some of these exercise attempts. If you are tired of not getting the results you deserve, or always ending up in pain when you try, the customized personal training programs at Premier Body Method are what you are looking for. After an initial consultation, a full fitness-training program will be designed specifically for you. This includes biomechanical training for injury prevention, safety in training, and an exercise-training program to provide a solid foundation of fitness, health, weight loss, body composition improvement, and the great fit feeling you desire. Tell us your goals and we will get you there.
This program is similar to the full rehabilitation and physiotherapy program, except without the injury. After the initial athlete consultation, a full sports performance-training program will be put into effect to improve all aspects of the athlete’s skill set. This includes biomechanical training for injury prevention and safety in training, strength and conditioning to provide a solid foundation of fitness, and progression to higher levels sports specific training, including strength, speed, agility, explosive power, and sports skills training. We will provide everything you as an athlete need to get you to the next level.
A perfect program for both younger athletes as well as fitness beginners, that focuses on the mechanics of exercise and sport, and how to grow, develop, and train the correct way for years to come. While anyone, whether competitive or recreational, can benefit from learning proper training and fitness technique, it is especially important to teach our younger athletes to stay safe as they grow and develop. “I wish someone could have taught me how to train properly when I was a young athlete!” Once the proper mechanics of exercise technique are mastered, the program seamlessly advances into either a sports specific training program to enhance athletic performance, or an exercise conditions program to improve overall fitness. You will learn what you need to know and then put it to use.
Some of us are interested in “turning back the clock.” As we age, our bodies change and become less toned, less functional, and weaker. Through the correct exercise training program, one can slow the progression of these processes and in many ways reverse them, making the body look and feel younger. Many of the degenerative processes that ail us as we age can be caused by poor movement mechanics and improper fitness strategies. By learning the correct way to condition your body as you age, you will be able to get the results you want without beating yourself up. After an initial consultation, a full anti-aging fitness-training program will be designed for you so you can stay healthy and fit for years to come.
This is really what it is all about. This is a perfect program for younger athletes that focuses on the mechanics of sport, and how to grow, develop, and train the correct way for years to come. While any athlete, whether competitive or recreational, can benefit from learning proper training and fitness technique, it is especially important to teach our younger athletes to stay safe as they grow and develop. “I wish someone could have taught me how to train properly when I was a young athlete!” Once the proper mechanics of exercise technique are mastered, the program seamlessly advances into a sports specific training program to enhance athletic performance. Your young athlete will learn what he or she needs to know and then put it to action for years to come.
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we don’t only take care of you from the outside in, we also take care of you from the inside out. We offer nutritional counseling and dietary planning to get you healthy. Whether you are overweight looking to shed the pounds, gain weight to put on muscle mass, or just simple looking to be as healthy as you can be, we will create the nutritional plan for you to get results. We will begin with a full dietary background check and dietary record, make recommendations, and offer various customized nutritional plans to meet your needs and goals.
We treat anything physical:
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we treat all types of spinal conditions. If you suffer from lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica, disc bulges or herniations, pain down the legs or arms, whiplash, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, facet arthropathy, degenerative joint disease, or any other spinal related condition or pathology, our doctors will evaluate, examen, diagnose, and treat your injury. We use only the very best scientifically proven treatment methods and procedures. We will improve your physical condition and get you back to the active lifestyle you deserve.
There are many causes of lower back pain or neck pain. At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we will begin by first evaluating and diagnosing the problem. Then we will formulate the treatment plan best for you. It may be as simple as a few therapy or Chiropractic treatments to provide relief, all the way up to a full rehabilitative training program to provide correction, or Spinal Decompression. We provide the very best in neck and back pain conservative care.
When most people talk about sciatica, they are referring to the excruciating pain running down the back of their leg. However, it is the true root cause of Sciatica that we must pursue. Sciatica is really a symptom, not a condition or diagnosis. It’s like saying I have a headache, but what is causing the headache is important in terms of treating the condition. Do you have a concussion, a migraine, a tension headache due to tight muscles in your neck, etc. These all have different treatment options, and Sciatica is no different. We must begin by finding the true cause of your sciatica if we want to treat it effectively. Sciatica can be caused by issues in the spine such as a disc herniation or bulge, osteophyte formation, facet arthropathy, IVF stenosis, or ever scoliosis, amongst others. Sciatica can also because by peripheral musculoskeletal imbalance such as piriformis syndrome, SI joint problems, or other peripheral issues. Whatever the cause of your sciatica, we have the conservative care treatment options for you, including Spinal Decompressions (the #1 nonsurgical option), Chiropractic care, physiotherapy, and physical rehabilitations programs.
Probably some of the worse painful conditions people suffer from are nerve pain conditions. Nerve pain can happen anywhere in the body and for many different reasons. Most commonly, nerve pain can be seen running down the arms or legs in the form of a neuropathy. There are three basic causes of neuromusculoskeletal nerve pain, Myelopathy, Radiculopathy, or Peripheral Neuropathy. Each are caused by various types of nerve compression in specific locations of the body. For example, a Radiculopathy refers to nerve compression in the spine, usually caused be either a disc bulge or herniation, or nerve root entrapment at the location where the nerves of the spinal cord exit and continue to the periphery (rest or the body). The key to providing relief and ultimately correction of these nerve pain issues needs to start with a clear understanding of where the nerve pain is coming from and what exactly is causing it. We can then formulate a treatment plan with the best chances of success.
Pain down the arms or legs can be caused by a multitude of reasons. Typically, these issues are nerve related and can cause a number of symptoms, including but not limited to sharp stabbing pain, dull almost phantom pain (hard to pinpoint or describe), electrical shooting pain, burning pain, icy cold pain, numbness, tingling, or pins and needles. When things progress even more, sometimes these nerve issues can even cause a feeling of weakness or loss to coordination / dexterity in the affected limb. These symptoms could be sign of serious conditions such as Myelopathy, Radiculopathy, Peripheral Neuropathy, or even metabolic disorders such as diabetes. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or conditions, it is recommended that you seek help and proper guidance from a medical professional. Here at Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we will evaluate, diagnose, and treat your condition with the best conservative care options available.
Musculoskeletal injury refers to any injury or ailment of the physical body and can happen anywhere. Everything from a simple sprained ankle, to painful sciatica, to severe spinal pathology, these injuries and conditions are the main forces of our clinic. At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we pride ourselves in taking care of all types of musculoskeletal injuries. Our doctors will evaluate and diagnose your injury and formulate the best treatment plan available. Our clinic offers the very best in injury treatment and the physical rehabilitation of that injury. Start by scheduling your injury consultation and evaluation today. Don’t wait. Injuries left untreated often get worse and can even cause other injury down the road due to biomechanical compensation.
Whether you are a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior, dealing with sports related injuries can be both frustrating as well as painful. Sometimes these injuries are bad and sideline us from sport or exercise training. In these cases, the injury needs to be handled with the utmost care to ensure proper recovery, healing, and return to play as fast and as safely as possible. While other sports injuries may not keep you from participating, they do contribute to not allowing you to participate at your fullest. As an athlete this can affect your performance, and as a health and fitness enthusiast this can prevent you from having fun and achieving your fullest potential. Many times, these sport related injuries are caused by repetitive stress due to biomechanical dysfunction, or training improperly. At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we pride ourselves in not only treating your sports injury to get you “back in the game” as quickly and safely as possible, but we will teach and train you to correct your biomechanical dysfunction so you can finally and truly overcome your injury and get back to enjoying your physical life now and for years to come.
Hip pain can be caused by a number of issues. Typically, we see three main types of hip issues; First are ones related to the hip joint itself such as degenerative joint disease, arthritis, labral lesions or tears, other cartilage problems, femoral acetabular impingement (FAI), or hypermobility or hypomobility in the hip joint capsule. Second are muscular issues such as tendinitis or tendinosis, muscular strains or tears, piriformis syndrome, TFL or IT Band issues, groin pulls, snapping hip, or other hip flexor problems. Bursitis can also be an issue. Third are issues related to nerve conditions such as a Lumbar Spine Radiculopathy causing pain on the side of the upper hip gluteal region or groin. In any case, proper care begins with evaluation and diagnosis, followed by pain relief treatment, physical rehabilitation, biomechanical correction, and corrective exercise.
Knee injuries can typically be placed in one of two categories: acute traumatic, or repetitive stress, wear and tear. If you suffer from an acute traumatic knee injury, such as an ACL, MCL or Meniscus lesion, proper evaluation and treatment are essential to recovery and healing. If you suffer from chronic repetitive stress knee issues, such as runners’ knee, patellar tendinitis or tendinosis, IT Band Syndrome, Meniscal issues, degenerative joint disease, or arthritis, amongst others, then biomechanics and your physical behavior are most likely the keys to alleviating your pain and allowing you to return to an active lifestyle. Biomechanically, the knee is often the “poor guy” that gets caught in the middle of either a dysfunction at the hip or the foot/ankle, or both! Correcting these mechanical issues and balancing out these compensation patterns will help take the stress out of your knee joint and get you back to feeling good and functioning well.
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we treat all kinds of foot and ankle injuries, including Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinitis and Tendinosis, ankle sprains, Morten’s Neuroma, and Bunion issues, amongst others. Proper evaluation and diagnosis, followed by focused therapy on the pain generator, combined with biomechanical and gait training is the recipe for success in most of these cases. This is exactly what we specialize in. Pain management options including soft tissue work, Graston, joint mobilization, therapeutic ultrasound, stem therapy, and cold laser all help you reduce inflammation, promote healthy tissue healing. This followed by high quality physical rehabilitation can get you back to the active lifestyle you want.
The shoulder is a complex joint. Thus, there are many problems that can arise. At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we see and treat a variety of shoulder injuries and pathologies. Some of the more common shoulder issues we see include shoulder impingement, rotator cuff strains and tears, bicipital tendinitis or tendinosis, Labral tears or other internal joint cartilage problems, and AC joint sprains, amongst others. Some of these injuries are traumatic, such as one of your high school football players that comes in with a sprained shoulder. However, most of these shoulder injuries arise from repetitive stress caused by improper biomechanics and poor posture. At our clinic, we will not only evaluate and diagnose your shoulder issue, provide the correct therapy and treatment, stretch and strengthen you, but we will work to genuinely teach you how your shoulder works, so you can not only improve now, but keep yourself in good physical condition for years to come.
In today’s modern world, we are seeing more and more issues in the elbow, hand, and wrist than ever before. Conditions such as Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s elbow), Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow), and sprains and strains have increased in numbers due to poor postural mechanics, sedentary lifestyles, and increased computer and phone use. Treatment for these conditions and many others requires not only focusing on the area of concern with pain relieving treatments, but also physical rehabilitation and ergonomic training to improve the physical behavior and habits one the injured person.
No one likes to be in pain, but for those of us that suffer from chronic pain conditions, something else besides just the pain occurs. When you are in pain constantly for a long time it begins to affect other areas of your life. You become more sedentary and less physically active because you think being physically active makes you hurt more. You go out less and become less social because you’re afraid you’ll make the pain worse. You feel disconnected. You stop doing some of those things you used to love to do like going golfing, or playing tennis, or gardening, or walking around at the mall. Your quality of life suffers, and this begins to put a strain on relationships with your spouse, family, and friends. You turn to the habitual use of pain medications which over time begin to decrease your overall health due to side effects of the medications. You feel hopeless and somewhat depressed with your physical state. You feel as though your body has betrayed you. You are not alone. We treat people just like you every day with tremendous results. If you sound like the above person, you owe it to yourself to come in for a consultation. Let us help you get back to the physical quality of life you deserve.
Why would I come for rehab before my surgery? You wouldn’t, that is why we call it pre-hab, not rehab. Look, Surgery is often considered the last resort when it comes to physical body injury. However, sometimes it is necessary. If your injury does require a surgical fix, how you and your body head into that surgery can make all the difference in the world. There is a big difference between heading into a surgical situation in very poor condition, versus in the best possible physical shape you can be in given the situation. Heading into a surgery in the best possible condition you can be helps tremendously during the actual rehabilitation process after surgery. Let us help pre-hab you the right way before surgery, then our rehabilitation process will be that much easier and better.
At Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, we see and rehabilitate all types of musculoskeletal post-surgical cases. Everything from spinal surgery to ACL repairs, to rotator cuff surgery, we see it all. The key to any good rehabilitation program starts before surgery with high quality per-habilitation. Once the surgery is performed and the initial recovery period is met, streamlining right into the physical rehabilitative process with the latest scientifically proven treatment and training methods will help you bounce back from your injury better than ever before.
Out of all the conditions, injuries, pathologies, and chronic pain ailments we see, poor health and fitness might actually be the worse of all. That’s not to say that any of the painful injuries and conditions we see are fun. However, at the root of almost all the issues we see here at Premier Body Method Sports Medicine and Chiropractic, is poor health and fitness. Being in poor physical condition and bad overall health not only compounds all of the other injuries and conditions people suffer from in a big way, making them much worse and harder to heal from, it also in many cases is what leads to them in the first place. Being in poor health can eventually lead to almost any and every physical issue out there. This becomes a big key in treating these injuries, rehabilitating them, and returning the person back to not only physical health, but health in general. In terms of preventing or at least reducing the risk of physical injury, it means just as much if not more. Let us get you healthy, fit, and strong now, and for years to come.